About Bertoni, Lorelli.

DIDIS LTD (Bulgaria) - Bertoni (Lorelli) is currently one of the most successful companies and a leader in the European children's goods market, because Bertoni (Lorelli) the company's designers, engineers and marketing specialists combined a high level of quality, innovative design, competitive prices, maximum convenience and comfort for your child in each product model. Bertoni the company was founded in 1995. Bertoni (Lorelli) the company's trademarks are proven, tested and popular in our market.
Thanks to high quality and affordable prices Bertoni (Lorelli) , occupies a leading position in Bulgaria and is a popular brand in European countries.
Bertoni (Lorelli) follows the trends of the modern world and the needs of parents. The company takes care of children's safety, and also provides practicality and help in raising a child.
Since 2013 Bertoni the company (implemented the launch of the new innovation program, ie a new product line with an original name Lorelli . As a result, new technologies, new original colors were developed, which were selected by child psychologists with the aim of improving the perception of the world and increasing the interest of young children in colors and the world around them. All goods are manufactured in accordance with European standards. Only durable and hypoallergenic materials are used in production.
Bertoni (Lorelli) the product has no analogues in terms of quality, price and maximum concern for the interests of each of our customers.
Official website Bertoni (Lorelli) , where there is all the necessary information - www.lorelli.eu